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Young Adult & Youth Ministry

The Young Adult& Youth Ministry of the Rock Center Orlando are called “Ambassadors for Christ” (AFC). They are young adult within the ages of 19 to 35. They are unique young adult who are sold out to using their skills and talents to impact their world in all sphere and strata of human endeavor.

However, if you would like to connect and be a part of this great team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the President of AFC/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Choir Ministry

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. 24For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”.” (John 4: 23 – 24 NLT)

The Rock Center (TRC) Choir is the worship team of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, The Rock Center, Orlando, Florida. The mission of the TRC Choir is to bring down the glory and the divine presence of God through the instrumentality of music to change lives and mold destinies.

We achieve our mission by leading men in true worship and praises at every service. However, if you would like to be a part of this great ministry, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Choir Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Children’s Church Ministry

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”(Prov. 22: 6 NLT)

This is the children’s department of The Rock Center, Orlando where children are engaged with a lot of fun and activities that instill in them, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God.

However, if you would like to be a part of this great team of dedicate volunteer in the Children’s department ministry, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Children’s Church Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Teens Church Ministry

The TRC teenage ministry is a peculiar ministry in the church where young boys and girls within the ages of 10 and 18 can fellowship together and learn how to be light in this world full of darkness.

It is an atmosphere where they are properly thought – love, the word and the foundation of their faith built on the solid rock, which is Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.

It is a place of fun and kingdom activities that draw them close to God. However, if you would like to be a part of this great team of dedicate volunteer in the Teen’s Church ministry, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Teen’s Church Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Prayers & Intercession Ministry

The TRC Prayer & Intercessor’s Ministry are volunteer dedicated and committed team of men and women who are called into the Prayer Ministry to stand in the gap and intercede for the church, families and the Pastorate. They are burden-bearer to the Lead Pastor and the pastorate.

They are committed to fasting and praying until something happens. It’s not a regular department of the church. Anyone who chooses to join the team must be called by God and have a burden and passion for prayers.

However, if you would like to be a part of this great team of volunteer Intercessor & Prayer ministry, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Prayer Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s ministry of the Rock Center Orlando are dedicated volunteer men who fellowship together to achieve a common goal – to impact themselves, the church and the community.

The goal of this ministry is to build valiant men as champions who will help the pastor to fulfill the vision of the church.

However, if you would like to be a part of the Men’s ministry team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Men’s Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Women’s Ministry

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” (Prov. 31: 10 KJV)

The women’s ministry are the Virtuous Women of The Rock Center Orlando…

However, if you would like to be a part of the Women’s ministry team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Women’s Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.


Foundation of Faith (Believers) Class

The Foundation of Faith class is a specialized class for those who have just given and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior.

It’s a class where you are properly thought what it is to start your walk with God, how to pray, how to read the bible and know more about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

However, if you have just made the decision to be born-again and become the friend of Jesus, please see the pastorate or the church office after service on Sunday.

Baptismal Class

The baptismal class is a dedicated class for those who like to be baptized by immersion in water. Mark 16: 15-16 (KJV) or those who like to be baptized in the holy spirit. Acts 1:8, 2: 1-4 (KJV)

However, if you like to be baptized by immersion in water or you want to be baptized in the holy spirit, please see the pastorate or the church office after service on Sunday.

Leadership Class Series (101, 201, & 301)

This is a leadership series for the training and making of true disciples at the Rock Center Orlando. It is also a class for all the workforce team of the church.

The Leadership Series Classes is guaranteed to change your life forever.

However, if you like to enroll for the Leadership class and become a true disciple, please see the pastorate or the church office after service on Sunday.

Small Groups (Cell Fellowship)

This is the gathering of few people meeting in home sat allocated time periods (Acts 2:46; 20:20). At The Rock Center, we believe the cell fellowship as one simple purpose – to connect people together, care for one another and grow spiritually as we engage in conversations about the practical elements of our faith.

However, if you like to be part of any of our cell fellowship, please see the pastorate or the church office after service on Sunday.

Sunday School

This is the Sunday School class for all members of the church. The class is usually on Sunday before the main worship service starts.

It’s a 30min (10.30am – 11.00am) power-packed teaching pre-worship service class.

We encourage all members of TRC Orlando to be in church every Sunday on or before 10.30am to be part of this great impacting teaching.

Financial/Business/Career Class

This is a career and financial empowerment class where members are properly thought how to build their businesses and walk in financial prosperity and kingdom wealth. Anyone that wants to terminate financial hardship and break the backbone of poverty in their lives should see the church the pastorate or the church office after service on Sunday.


Membership Services

The Membership Service department are dedicated team who primary goals and objectives is to ensure every new and old members of the church become engrafted as a full committed members of the church until they become a disciples in one of the departments of the church.

They also have a responsibility to ensure every member of TRC follows and likes all the TRC Orlando social media – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms.      

However, if you would like to be a part of the Membership Service team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Membership Service Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Follow-Up Team

The Follow-Up & Reception department of the church are the team responsible to ensure all new converts, new and old members are followed-up via all available platforms until they are fully engrafted into the body of Christ.

However, if you would like to be a part of the Follow-Up team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Follow-Up Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Evangelism & Outreach Team

The Evangelism& Outreach Team are the team responsible and committed to the great commission – taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community and to the entire world through all available platforms. They embark on outreaches targeted towards the homeless, shelters, hospitals etc.

They encourage all the church members to be part of evangelism and outreaches programs.

However, if you would like to be a part of the Evangelism & Outreach Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Evangelism & Outreach Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Welfare & In-reach

The Welfare & In-reach Team are committed to helping the needy members of the church.

They also reach out to members who needed urgent and desperate help. They work with the Pastorate to make this happen.

If you would like to be a part of the Welfare & In-reach Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Welfare & In-reach Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Research, Strategy & Development Team

The Research, Strategy & Development Team are dedicated skillful and talented people who take time to research and come up with strategies that will take the church to a new level in bringing to pass her God given vision and mandate.

They research to bring a change at least every quarters in the church. They handle major projects for the church.

If you would like to be a part of the Research, Strategy & Development Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Welfare & In-reach Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.


Human Resources & Staffing

The Human Resources& Staffing Team are committed to working with the Lead Pastor on volunteer basis to help with all aspect of human resources, setting up KPI’s for all the departments/Workforce in the Church and recruitment of staff when the need arises.

If you would like to be a part of the Human Resources & Staffing Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Human Resources & Staffing Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Finance & Budget

The Finance & Budget are responsible for managing the church finances and help the church with annual budget for the year.

If you ‘re an accountant preferably a CPA holder who like to help with the church finance and be part of the Finance & Budget Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Finance & Budget Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Procurement Team

This is the team that helps with negotiating, selecting vendors and obtaining goods and services for the church. They work with the pastorate to help with ordering goods and services having good value for money.

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of this Procurement team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Procurement Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Maintenance & Quality Assurance Team

This is the Maintenance &Quality Assurance Team of the church who volunteers to ensures that all the facilities, properties and equipment of the church meet certain thresholds of acceptability and they are properly maintained. 

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Maintenance & Quality Assurance Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Procurement Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.


Ushers & Greeters

“Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.” (Romans 12:13 KJV)

The Ushering & Greeters departments are the department responsible for welcoming people to the church. They create the first impression to all first-time guest in the church. They represent, define and help to shape the image and culture of the church.

They are also responsible for seating people and maintaining orderliness during the service. The ushers also collect tithes and offering during the service

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Ushering & Greeters Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Ushering & Greeters Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Media & Technical

The Media & Technical team is responsible for providing quality sound output during all services which includes music, teaching and preaching for effective clarity of communication between the communicator and the receiver during worship sessions and preaching or teaching time.

They are also in charge of all audio CDs, DVDs, MP3, Podcast, Video feeds for YouTube Channel and all Social Media outreach.

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Media & Technical Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Media & Technical Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Protocol & Hospitality Team

The Protocol & Hospitality team is a ministry of help. They are men and women who are sold out to helping others, taking good care of all invited guest in the church.

They are responsible for transportations, hotel booking etc. for all guest.

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Protocol & Hospitality Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Protocol & Hospitality Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Transportation Team

The Transportation team are responsible for all transportation needs in the church before, during and after all church event programs.

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Transportation Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Transportation Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.

Holy Police Squad Team

The Holy Police squad team are the dedicated watchmen who are committed to coordinating the parking of cars at the parking lot. And they also ensure the security of other parishioner’s properties as they liaise with the County Police and other law enforcement agents.

If you ‘re interested and you like to be part of the Transportation Team, please complete the form – “Join the Workforce”

 And see the Holy Police Head of Department/Pastorate after service on Sunday.